We empower leadership for women through our community connections, conscious content and curated experiences.
|CAREhER Content|透過 Leading Ladies Podcast 專訪和深度專題等內容發聲,與女性領導者、創業家、經理人、思想領袖聊聊他們的為什麼和真心話,並用更全球的視野,討論重要的議題。透過這些分享,幫助有企圖心的女性成長並共學。並且舉辦大型商業論壇,讓更多女性成就領導力以及商業成長。
|CAREhER Curated|Connect & grow with our intimate salon talks, workshops and happy hour get togethers. 每月策劃的主題活動,從小型親密的商業主題沙龍、到風格生活的 workshop、年末的會員 Gala 聚餐等;會員更能享有 CAREhER 策展的 Experience 、小班領導力成長課程以及圓桌聚餐並且使用大安森林公園附近的私人會所。
|CAREhER Consulting| We help to further achieve organizations ESG goals through our DEI tools based on community building, and focusing on female leadership. Our solutions includes content production, event curation and community engagement.
Join us, 和我們一起 build meaningful connections!
地址:106 台北市大安區 304 巷建國南路一段 No. 19